(NSN) With the spring melt only a month or so away, fallout from the tragic flooding that occurred in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac nearly a year ago is still being felt.
According to recent news reports, more than 100 property owners are still waiting to receive promised financial assistance from the Quebec government.
$77 million paid out
As of mid-February, according to one source, the province’s Ministry of Public Security has dealt with more than 1,400 cases, of which 92 per cent have been completed, allowing $77 million in financial assistance to be paid to Sainte-Marthe residents.
The payments being made by Quebec in Sainte-Marthe represent around a quarter of all payouts ($312 million) for damage caused across the province in last year’s spring floods.
Lower payouts
In Sainte-Marthe, according to Radio-Canada, a number of property owners seriously impacted by flooding and who qualified for compensation say the amounts they have ended up receiving are a lot lower than what they expected.
In the meantime, others complain the government still hasn’t dealt with their claims dossier and that government records appear to be completely in disorder. Some have also refused settlements offered by the government, maintaining they’re far too low.